SJY - 1 B

Kampnr. Dato Dag Kl. Hjemmehold Udehold Hj Ude
10904 17-05-2021 Ma 19:00 Slotsbyen 6 Lundsmark 1 12 4
10905 18-05-2021 Ti 19:00 Bevtoft 1 Seest BK 1 10 6
10906 27-05-2021 To 19:00 Lundsmark 1 Seest BK 1 11 5
10907 31-05-2021 Ma 19:00 Slotsbyen 6 KØK 2 8 8
10932 03-06-2021 To 19:00 Bevtoft 1 Lundsmark 1 4 12
10909 08-06-2021 Ti 19:00 Lundsmark 1 KØK 2 6 10
10928 14-06-2021 Ma 19:00 Slotsbyen 6 Seest BK 1 14 2
10912 15-06-2021 Ti 19:00 KØK 2 Bevtoft 1 13 3
10917 24-06-2021 To 19:00 Lundsmark 1 Bevtoft 1 13 3
10911 28-06-2021 Ma 19:00 Slotsbyen 6 Bevtoft 1 14 2
10919 02-08-2021 Ma 19:00 Lundsmark 1 Slotsbyen 6 10 6
10921 09-08-2021 Ma 19:00 KØK 2 Slotsbyen 6 8 8
10915 11-08-2021 On 19:00 KØK 2 Seest BK 1 16 0
10926 20-08-2021 Fr 18:30 Bevtoft 1 Slotsbyen 6 6 10
10914 23-08-2021 Ma 19:00 Seest BK 1 Slotsbyen 6 2 14
10929 24-08-2021 Ti 18:30 Bevtoft 1 KØK 2 12 4
10924 26-08-2021 To 19:00 KØK 2 Lundsmark 1 10 6
10930 07-09-2021 Ti 18:30 Seest BK 1 KØK 2 7 9
10923 09-09-2021 To 18:30 Seest BK 1 Lundsmark 1 4 12
10920 13-09-2021 Ma 14:00 Seest BK 1 Bevtoft 1 2 14

Sidste spilledag 2024 i DKU's turneringer - Dagliga og hovedturneringen - søndag den 8. September.


Bevtoft 1 Flemming Jørgensen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 23 36 06 48 Bevtoft - Sort bane
KØK 2 Lene Henriksen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 29 92 91 17 KØK - Lene og Peters bane
Lundsmark 1 Mette Juul This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 20 71 34 37 / 26 39 72 44 Lundsmark - hvid bane
Seest BK 1 Else Christiansen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 20 82 51 80 Seest BK - bane 1
Slotsbyen 6 Gunnar Ibsen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 23 39 11 57 Slotsbyen - Bane 2 Grøn